

ドン★キホーテ | 唐吉珂德




最后再八一卦成海璃子。剧中的成海一看就知道是个重度问题儿童,而且是一条不到最后几集不会涉及的主线。话说这小姑娘越来越会演戏了,从《蜂蜜与四叶草》中的乖乖女,到《BOSS II》中的不良,再到本剧的问题少女,演技越来越驾轻就熟。但话说她那长发+草帽+长裙的扮相,怎么看怎么不像不良,明明还是《蜂蜜》中的花本同学嘛~


















华和家の四姉妹 | 华和家四姐妹










勇者ヨシヒコと魔王の城 | 勇者义彦与魔王城











什么叫恶搞?你以为交换个灵魂什么的就算恶搞了?too simple,too naive!真正的恶搞是用最严谨的态度,把最不可能的内容用最忠实原著的方式再现给观众,这才是符合科学发展观的恶搞。真人版漫画什么的弱爆了,只能算恶搞的入门级,真人版RPG才是恶搞的最高境界。

所以,我们看到了,真人版的,《勇者斗恶龙》(Dragon Quest)。






花ざかりの君たちへ~イケメン☆パラダイス~2011 | 花样少年少女2011版






























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Video Game Headed into the Uncharted

I’m never a big fan for the Uncharted series, and probably never shall be. Although the new beta for Uncharted 3 is being downloaded to my PS3 while I write, the post’s title is its literal meaning. Anyway, it looks better and safer than “Video Game Dying in the Uncharted.”

Maybe to clarify, I should say at first I’m not against the new Uncharted 3, but against the fact that it is yet another shooter, at least for the multiplayer mode.

So perhaps the post’s title should be “Video Game Dying with Shooters,” because what I mean by uncharted is in fact a future filled with more guns, more maps, and more targets to kill–all things to ensure profitability rather than creativity–to the extent that we no longer remember what game really is.

This is why I’m reluctant to write anything on E3 2011, though I was excited about it for a long time. The problem is I don’t know what to write for a E3 that has unfortunately been reduced to W3 — who to kill, where to kill, and what to kill with.

And this is a sad thing for a player like me with FPS dizziness, who can’t appreciate the beauty of shooter for more than 15 mins. But more and more I feel it is also a blessing to me, so that I won’t sink any deeper than Counter Strike–from which the shooting game has barely evolved–or spend any more money on the category that generates more profit for companies than fun for players.

It is the best time for players. Advanced graphic techs and physical engines more than more blur the line between virtuality and reality, and before long we may even play shooters as if we were killing real enemies on real battlefields.

Yet it is the worst time. We are not only killing whatever enemies with whatever weapons on whatever maps, we are also killing the fun and creativity in the games and on the consoles. The FPS fatigue wears off not only players’ passion, but more severely, values of the gaming industry as a form of art.

Uncharted 3 isn’t bad at all, but the uncharted future of the game industry is far more dangerous than whatever Drake would face in the new episode.

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Thank you.

You know.

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还有三个小时,加州也将终于迎来2011年的钟声。说起来时差还真是个神奇的东西,眼看着世界各地欢庆的焰火早已经漫天飞舞,祝福的信息和状态也是贴满了各种social media,但我还是只能和广大加州人民一道默默忍耐着。仿佛是一部前戏过长的爱情动作片,欲遮还羞地挑逗着急欲奔向2012的我。







我还信了group project就像《怪物猎人》,再难的任务也是能单挑的,特别队友是一群Marshall的MBA时。五人的队伍最后仅余三人,而其中的两人还不给力,真让我恨不得打开友军伤害。




元旦倒数46分钟,许个愿吧。本人没那么伟大,不去祈祷世界和平社会和谐,只希望朋友们都能开开心心,健健康康,顺顺利利。2011我也不会再算命了,follow the heart,所以怂了。只求太太平平,过完又一年~


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Game Review: Samurai II

I came to know Samurai II though a video review, but I didn’t have a good impression on Apple’s game apps in the first place. Well, having played the iPhone version of Street Fighter 4 and Resident Evil 4, both being lame transplant of the classics caused by the limitation of the platform, I got the feeling: video game on the mobile platform still has a long way to go beyond Tetris and Solitaire.

However, Samurai II really changes my mind. Well, maybe not entirely, because it still has its defects, but it has already proved that the mobile platform is qualified for quality games, and that mobile games do have envolved beyond expectations.


This is where the first surprise comes. I have to say I didn’t expect an action game on a mobile platform with such refined graphics to run with literally no latency. Samurai II really gives a fascinating impression at the first look with its improved game engine.

The whole graphic style of the game features a deep ancient Japanese atmosphere, just as the title Samurai indicates. The developer uses cartoon rendering to process the 3D background, thus smartly bypassing the platform’s performance limitation while still offering a unique visual effect. Aliasing is nearly nonexistent around the 3D cartoon cottages, trees and bridges in the background, unlike the “zigzaged” realistic world in the iOS Resident Evil 4. Obviously this “cartoonizing” tactic works well — it provides a more visually pleasant game world, without the least effort to make it real.

Instead, the developer puts a lot of effort on details. Maple leaves and blossoms that fly around as our samurai walks in the village, the cartoonized puff of wind, the rising smoke from chimneys, and the slowly wheeling windmills — all these interesting details remind of Okami, an artistic game with similar Japanese-theme cartoon style on PS2. Although the mobile platform limits the game’s graphic performance, Samurai II still brings us an ancient Japan as refined as possible.

And this refinement is also obvious on the characters and their movements. Our samurai and his enemies are rather small compared with the background, but we can still clearly see the texture of their amours, their katanas, as well as the emblem on their gowns. And their cuts and slashes are all standard Kendo moves — the developers must have practiced hard in order to get the accurate feeling~~

But the game is a little bloody, though. As you kills your enemies around, their blood splashes everywhere — on the ground, on the wall, or even on the screen. And the view angle will zoom in as you land a critical hit on your enemies to cut them into half. Well, that’s really visual impact, but that’s also too much, especially when you see the whole ground is steeped with red. Perhaps Samurai II is almost on par with Ninja Gaiden II in terms of blood amount, however unnecessary that is. A little blood is cool, but too much is only sick.


Here is the second surprise to me. The combat runs very smoothly with nearly no skipped frame. The Kendo cuts and slashes are not only standard, they also have a real sense of hitting and accurate judgement. The zoom-in and bullet-time effects for critical hits are also highlights despite the excessive amount of blood.

The gameplay has a similarity to the famous Onimusha series by Capcom. Not only is the view angle in Samurai II somewhat similar to Onimusha, many other features are also familiar: the characters in both games cannot jump, the battle systems are not much different, and both feature samurais fighting demonized enemies.

However, the game control in Samurai II is much much worse. It sucks, actually, although it’s a problem with the platform rather than with the design.

Like many other iOS action games, Samurai II has virtual sticks and buttons on the screen, but tapping on a plain board isn’t a comfortable thing, especially for an action game that requires a lot accuracy. More than once I hold the virtual stick for a long time, but the samurai just won’t move or moves in the wrong direction. And the “buttons” are too close to each other to be pushed correctly when you are surrounded by a group of enemies.

And the combo system has a problem, too.  Samurai II uses heavy and light attacks to combine different combos, but somehow you just can’t get the right combo you want. The input recognition is worse when you tap the buttons quickly in the fast battles.

The result is, usually you’ll find yourself pretty awkward when surrounded by enemies: You can hardly escape because the direction stick doesn’t always work well; And you can’t fight comfortably, either, because the combo system sucks, too.


The music is excellent. The Japanese themed BGM perfectly fit into the samurai setting, and its melodies transit smoothly as the game moves from battles to battles. The music has seeped into every corner in the Japanese atmosphere.

The plot is cliche, but not too bad for a mobile action game. Continuing with Samurai I, our hero is still seeking our bad guy to revenge his murdered family. The game uses comic pages for storytelling to link stages, reinforcing the overall style of the game. However, it is still an American story in nature despite all these Japanese decorations. Change the samurai into a cowboy and the Middle Age Japan into California in gold rush, you would have an evenly wonderful westland adventure.

Room for Improvements:

The developers really need to come up with a better controlling system. Accuracy and quick response are the soul of action games, but Samurai fails in both of them. A lame gameplay will only ruin a game that excels in any other aspect.

The next Samurai may also want to add the defense button. It’s kind of ridiculous too see all enemies capable of defending, while our samurai can only roll around. And a defense button may also lead to a similar I-Sen (一閃) that characterizes the Onimusha series. The gameplay is already similar, why not borrow another brilliant idea?

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不过说来此事还真是峰回路转。原本当初MSN宣布将Live Space转移至Wordpress的时候我还觉得奇怪,怎么向来警觉的朝廷居然会网开一面?难不成MSN使用了某些神奇的公关手段,又或者转移以后国内用户使用的只是阉割版本?但是MSN中文主页上的转移通知又似乎宣告了一切都已经板上钉钉。





但不管怎么说,对于已把Space转移到Wordress的用户来说是郁闷了~辛辛苦苦设置了半天的页面突然被404 not found所取代,就好比辛辛苦苦追到手的大学女同学,转身就跟着官二代双宿双飞,而你只继续辛辛苦苦翻墙才能和她幽会,这小三当得苦啊。

突然想到了Ace Combat 4的副标题Shattered Sky,用来当本博的新名字还真是贴切阿~不过也懒得改了,就这么着吧。也许以后心血来潮我再去新浪搞一个,但是最近是不打算动了。

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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker — Game Review


Kojima Production is a guarantee of hit to many military action game fans. But frankly speaking, MGS Peace Walker is not so great a sequel as its predecessors due to the limitation of PSP. The stages are much smaller and freedom limited; combats are easier with less enemies and more convenient CQC actions. Even the story is simpler: You can guess the end even before starting the game.

With all these being said, however, Peace Walker is still a great action game on PSP in that Kojima Production has pushed everything in that UMD to its possible extremity.


You know it’s PSP, and you cannot expect PS3 performance out of it. However, you can still have the PS3-like visual effects. With MSG’s signature real time rendering, game flow and story cut-ins are smoothly combined together, and details are maintained as much as possible.

The weapons in the hand, the textures on the uniforms, and the smooth movements of both Big Boss and the enemies, all these are signs of Kojima’s efforts to build a real, if not refined, world. You have a realistic feeling when you see Big Boss carefully crawling in the jungle, when you see the fingers of enemy soldiers when they are thrown by CQC, and even when you fight those huge unrealistic “metal gears.”

Between-stage storytelling is another highlight of Peace Walker. Similar to the last MGS o PSP, Peace Walker also uses comic animation flows to unfold the story. With the series’ unique drawing style, and the interaction and QTEs that keep players from being bored, Kojima has brought a different experience compared to the blockbuster-like MGS 4.

Game Play:

The whole game is pretty fluent. Long story is cut into short stages for the convenience for PSP players, who are usually on the move and pause the game a lot. Mission selection lets you replay previous stages at anytime with more advanced equipment.

The overall movement in game is smooth, although some latency exists when facing a lot of enemy. But still, that’s acceptable given that Peace Walker is on PSP. The only annoyance in my experience is the short delay between actions, such as using fulton recovery and crouch down, which made me spotted for many times.

The view angle has much improved from the last MGS on PSP. Probably the physical engine hasn’t evolved much, but somehow Peace Walker seems to offer a wider view. This, together with an easier angle control, let players detect the environment and enemies with more convenience.


The unique fascination about MGS is “no kill” despite its military theme. Unlike in Halo and Gear of War, where you heroically run on the battlefield and “kill them all,” you have to play hide-and-seek with enemies, and the less you kill the higher score you’ll get. And with the introduction of Close Quarter Combat (CQC) since MGS 3, this stealth game series has evolved into infinite possibilities.

In Peace Walker we see a simplified but more effective CQC system. Moves are reduced to only holding and throwing, but all actions are gathered on one button, which is convenient on the portable console. Although it lacks the variety we see in MGS 3&4, the new system is more efficient in laying enemies down during the combat.

As compensation, Peace Walker adds the consecutive CQC mode, which zooms the game into bullet time and allows you to knock down multiple enemies as whole. Now here is the unrealistic part that I don’t really like despite its astonishing visuals. It’s usually hard to approach a group of enemy soldiers unnoticed, and even harder when noticed. And when you are ready for group CQC, usually you would alert others when you get you first guy, thus sounding the alarm. And you have to do consecutive CQC several times to truly knock out everyone, or they would keep climbing up. Therefore, when you finally knock down the whole group, probably you would find yourself surrounded by new reinforcements with a red HP meter, and then you should be ready for the CQC again.

Of course some would say you can throw smog grenade before approaching the group. Yes I can. I can throw the smog first and then turn on the night vision for group CQC for safety. But the point is, with that level of technology, why would I ever need to use CQC? I may as well stay aside and throw a sleeping grenade or use tranquilizing weapons, and then fire a recovery rocket to pack them home. Therefore, group CQC to me is a weak existence.

Boss Battle:

The trend “the bigger, the better” has also found its way into the game world, with bosses nowadays are ever larger, heavier, although not necessarily stronger. When standing in front of those huge AI weapons, I suddenly have the feeling of God of War or Wander and Colossus. Although previous MGS’s also feature huge metal gears, the feeling was never so strong.

When the growing boss size is coupled with a declining requirement of control skills, Kojima’s compromise to a bigger player group is obvious. I kind of miss Vamp, the Boss, Beauty & Beasts, because they are unique characters with unique experiences, and the ways to defeat them are unique, too. Well, in Peace Walker we still see challenging boss battles—like the tank, chopper, and the AI metal gears—but they are just kind of common machines you can beat with advanced equipment if not advanced skills.

The Recovery System

Now this is the most creative invention in the whole series. It’s serious, it’s funny, and it’s addictive. When you see the unconscious enemy soldiers hooked with balloons and dragged into the sky, you know this is just another odd taste of Kojima, just like the banana pistol and the porn magazines.

The Fulton Recovery System is a serious thing to capture enemies for your base development, and a great way clear all the “bodies.” But sometimes it just doesn’t make sense: How can you recover a soldier inside a building onto the chopper? At least I remember in Dragon Quest VIII, when you use the returning feather under a roof, you would hit right onto that.

The Mother Base:

“Foster & develop” is another popular trend nowadays. Big Boss says Outer Heaven needs a base, and therefore Kojima makes a base—another feature that justifies investing time into Peace Walker.

The base development in PW is unique, though. You don’t simply invest money;you have to invest people—the poor soldiers recovered by the recovery system. By assigning right people to the right place, you have a faster R&D process and a stronger combat unit for side missions.

You can even build your own metal gear. After fighting for this huge thing throughout the series, now we finally can have our own. Of course it needs parts that don’t come easily, but for those who keep re-challenging bosses for perfection, this is a decent reward. And just like other similar elements in Japanese games, successfully building a metal gear also leads to the true ending of the game—another hook for the time.


As an action game, MGS series however owes half of its credits to its storyline. Many great action games have great stories, too, but none is like MGS in successfully telling such a complete, realistic and rich story with deep implications.

The game is the final piece in the Big Boss’ legendary life, completing the storyon how Outer Heaven was founded. Peace Walker is a nuke launcher, and the terrorist group Outer Heaven is in pursuit of world peace and freedom. In addition to these controversies is a Cold-War-based storyline as real as the history. The game brings us back to the time where not only ideology was split, so was people’s mind, and in that split world the game tries to reshape the series’ conflicting theme: peace vs. war, freedom vs. patriotism, sense of belonging vs. lonely heroism.

Kojima’s outstanding imagination blends once again with reality, and his distinctive understanding of politics is shown in the game’s political implications and futuristic foresight. The result is: We know the story is fictional, but somehow we all see it repeat over and over in the real world.

If not a game producer, Hideo Kojima would be an excellent military fictionist no worse than Tom Clancy.

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QQ vs. 360 — A PR Farse without PR

Dominating the recent Internet in China is a war without smoke — a fight between the leading Chinese IM software and a popular anti-virus software for a market of 400 million Internet users.

A few days ago, when people tried to log onto QQ, a pop-up message appeared instead of the normal friend list: “Dear users, when you see this message, we have just made a very hard decision. We decide to suspend the service on computers that have installed the 360 software (the popular anti-virus software), until 360 stops its malware targeting QQ and its bitter defamation against the company. ” The move, obviously, was claimed to better protect users’ privacy.

Or perhaps what just happened was an “even harder decision.”  Yesterday, Kingsoft, Baidu, Keniu and Maxthon, all being leading companies in the Chinese IT industry with former alliance with Tencent (provider of QQ), hosted a joint press conference to announce a similar decision: All products/services provided by the above companies will be no longer compatible with 360 because of its “severe safety loops” and “its disrespect and deceit on consumers.” The companies also claimed that such a decision was to better protect consumers’ interests and a “fair market competition.”

Although so far what I have told is only a one-sided story, you can get an overall gist of the whole picture: Some “oppressed” IT companies unite together to fight an evil company under the name of “consumers’ interestes.” Justice, fairplay, morality, wee see all the classic centerpieces that can make a good public relations casestudy.

Except for one: Where are the consumers? The people whose interests are supposed to be better protected or better served?

We don’t hear the voices of consumers anywhere in this case. We do see, however, Chinese netizens who are disconnected with friends (QQ) or fail to use the Internet (Baidu is the largest Chinese search engine and Maxthon is a popular browser in China) simply because they are using a what-they-call evil anti-virus product, and computer users who cannot update their anti-virus protection (Kingsoft, Keniu are both anti-virus service providers) just because they are also using a competitor’s product. Who cares?

The first thing I learned about PR is that it is a mutual communication between the organization and the public. Although the real business world is never so benign, it is still a golden rule on the table. In this case, however, every party is openly rushing with the PR arsenal on a one-way street, from the company to users only, no u-turn. Why?

Because it is not a PR war. It is only a struggle for market share and dominance.

Let’s get the other side of the story. Tencent decided to suspend the QQ service on computers with 360 because the latter accused QQ of violating users’ privacy by secretly scanning their hardrives. 360 even launched a software that could monitor QQ’s operation and block all QQ’s pop-up windows — an important source of advertising income for QQ.

However, the motive behind 360’s anti-QQ actions is not noble, either. In the early 2010, Tencent launched a plugin called QQ Assistant, offering some anti-virus features for QQ users — an obvious threat to 360’s business given the large user base of QQ. Thus, a series of commercial and PR retaliations began.

As for the other players like Baidu, Kingsoft and Keniu, they are either victim of 360’s expansion beyond anti-virus service, or simply lesser player in the same area. In conclusion, PR is only a tool for guise in this farse.

But even from a PR perspective, QQ alliance’s behavior was beyond understanding. What they really did was simply verbal attack combined with technical attack, as well as outright consumer abduction — when the most popular IM software (QQ commands 400 million users) unite with the largest Chinese search engine (Baidu) and two major anti-virus providers (Kingsoft and Keniu), what choice do consumer have? What choice does 360 have?

360 could only play the victim role, and it played well. In a response to Tencent’s suspension, 360 said it would discontinue the plugin that targeted QQ “in the light of consumers’ interests” despite its discontent with Tencent. Given the huge pressure from the whole industry, 360 had to retreat, and “consumers’ interests” once again became a perfect excuse.

The tactic did work well. The majority of the consumers raged by Tencent’s “forced choice” stand in line with 360 despite the fact that 360 has long been criticized as “rogue software.” According to a quick poll on Renren, 60% of respondents would support 360 and give up on QQ, while 30% remain neutral. Consumers even countered QQ’s assert on its innocence on privacy violation by simply asking: “How did you which computer has intalled 360 if you are not secretly scanning our hardrives.”

In fact, no one will be the final winner. Tencent and its alliance may win the market share, but they are already losing reputation. On the other hand, 360 may succeed in terms of PR with its advocate for “consumer interests,” it is losing market share.

And given neither side is really innocent, the public and consumer will gradually get bored with this farse, and both parties will lose in the public opinion. The only party that will gain is those smaller players now overshadowed by these leading figures.

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在Clover成立差不多半年前发布的《鬼武者3》中,稻船力邀让雷诺加盟,并把战国剧的舞台穿越到了现代巴黎,就足以说明稻船是看清楚C社发展方向的。而之后那个风格另类、难度降低不少的《新鬼武者》更是他向市场妥协的标志。之于后来再Xbox 360上红极一时的《失落的星球》也足够说明稻船是理解欧美市场的。





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一直一来,企业的社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility)都是一件“既要做婊子,又要立牌坊”的事情。究其原因是因为CSR这个概念本身就很矛盾:企业要盈利,势必就要影响大部分人的利益将一小部分人的利益(股东)最大化,而社会责任则又要求企业牺牲小部分人来满足大部分人的利益(社会)。无论满足了哪一边,另一边总是不太答应的。所以企业很纠结。










–Be transparent in your financial reporting. (做到财务透明。)
–Produce a quality product, and don’t misrepresent it. (注重产品质量,并客观公正地把产品推向公众。)
–If you know something about the product that endangers the consumer, be forthright and let the public know. (发现产品有问题,应立即让公众知晓。)
–Do not use predatory practices in offshore manufacturing, such as child labor. (如果在海外建厂生产,别做雇佣童工等没人性的事情。)
–Do not pollute your environment or other environments, and adhere to laws and regulations. (遵纪守法,爱护环境。)
–Be respectful, fair and open in your employment practices.(尊重并公平公开地对待所有员工。)

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